We were honored to be asked to participate in Real Weddings Magazine's "Garden Party" cover model finalist photo shoot for their Winter/Spring 2015 issue (get a digital copy here: http://www.realweddingsmag.com/get-your-copy/). The bouquets were beautifully photographed by studioTHP.com on location at Park Winters.
We designed this shappy chic cream and green bouquet with a mini succulents peeking out! Florals included white scabiosa, roses, football mums, sweet pea, succulent and lavender stems.
Hand-tied bouquet with rustic burlap wrap, plus a touch of vintage bling.
Saturated hot pink roses toned down with soft pink peony make for a sweet, romantic bouquet. Texture and an element of surprise is added with fuzzy cockscomb flowers tucked in between.
An heirloom antique lace handkerchief adorned with a small, delicate and colorful brooch is wrapped around the bouquet's stems.
Vendor Team
Photo Shoot: Real Weddings Magazine / Photography: studioTHP / Venue: Park Winters
Floral Design: Visual Impact Design
View the complete list of wedding professionals who participated in the photo shoot on Real Weddings Magazine's blog:
#ivoryandgreenbouquet #Creamandgreenbouquet #whitebouquet #gardenweddingflowers #scabiosarosesfootballmumssweetpeasucculent #lavender #pinkbridalbouquet #roses #cockscomb #hotpink #softpink #romantic #romanticbouquets #vintageantiqueweddinginspiration #rusticweddinginspiration #parkwinters #RealWeddingsMagazine #GardenPartyPhotoShoot #peony #lacehandkerchiefbouquetwrap #burlapbouquetwrap #bouquetbrooch